60. Simplified invoices
In order to be valid, invoices, unlike simplified invoices, must contain an identifying number, the date of issue (and the date of the transaction, if different), the description of the transaction, the tax data of the issuer and recipient (VAT number, name and address), the VAT base and rate and the resulting amount. In addition, […]
59. Marriage Agreements: Everything you need to know
Marriage Agreements are a subject that is not frequently discussed, but they are a very important tool for couples who are getting married or planning to get married. In this article, we will talk about what Marriage Agreements are, how they work, what elements they should include, and much more. What are the marriage contracts? […]
58. Tax advisors Barcelona
Tax advisors Barcelona: Your best option in tax advice Tax advisors Barcelona If you are looking for trustworthy Barcelona tax advisors with extensive experience in the Spanish market, then Ecovis Barcelona is an excellent option for you. With more than 40 years of experience in the market, Ecovis Barcelona has a team of experts in […]
57. Com estalviar diners contractant una assessoria fiscal
Busques estalviar diners contractant una assessoria fiscal? T’expliquem com. Les assessories fiscals són el suport que necessites per optimitzar els teus recursos econòmics i simplificar els tràmits tributaris. Aquestes empreses especialitzades en assumptes fiscals et brinden un acompanyament integral perquè puguis estalviar diners, temps i problemes. En aquest article, descobriràs com estalviar diners contractant una […]
57. How to save money by hiring a tax consultant
Are you looking to save money by hiring a tax consultant? We tell you how. Tax consultancies are the support you need to optimize your economic resources and simplify tax procedures. These companies specialized in tax matters provide you with comprehensive support so that you can save money, time and problems. In this article, you […]
56. Plans de pensions per a autònoms
Com a autònom, és important tenir un pla de jubilació per assegurar-se que tindrà un ingrés estable quan decideixi retirar-se. Els plans de pensions per a autònoms són una eina financera que poden ajudar-lo a assolir aquest objectiu. Què és un pla de pensions? Un pla de pensions és una eina financera que us permet […]
56. Self-employed pension plans
As a self-employed person, it is important to have a retirement plan to ensure that you will have a stable income when you decide to retire. Self-employed pension plans are a financial tool that can help you achieve this goal. What is a pension plan? A pension plan is a financial tool that allows you […]
55. Declaració de la renda 2023
Calendari de la declaració de la renda 2023 S’ha donat inici a la campanya de declaració de renda 2023 i ja és possible sol·licitar l’esborrany corresponent. S’espera que aquesta campanya sigui una de les més detallades i complicades dels últims anys a causa de la implementació de la nova llei anti-frau fiscal, que inclou mesures […]
55. Income tax return 2023
Calendar of the tax return The 2023 tax return campaign has begun and it is now possible to request the corresponding draft tax return. This campaign is expected to be one of the most detailed and complicated in recent years due to the implementation of the new anti-tax fraud law, which includes measures to combat […]
54. Recàrrec en l’IBI per habitatge desocupat
Què és i com afecta als propietaris? El recàrrec en l’IBI per habitatge desocupat és un impost que s’aplica en algunes ciutats d’Espanya amb l’objectiu d’incentivar el lloguer d’habitatges i reduir el nombre de pisos buits en el mercat. Encara que és una mesura controvertida, la seva aplicació s’està estenent a més municipis del país, […]